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Page 7

  ‘Hey it’s OK. I bet you were pissed.’

  I ran down the corridor and straight into Nathan and he – he caught me. I thought I was going to trip, I was wearing Romy’s shoes and I …’ Alexia was babbling now.

  ‘Hey, slow down. It’s OK.’

  He was holding me to stop me falling and I thought … He looked like he was going to – I don’t know – something. But then Tony appeared and …’

  ‘Oh Jeez. He thought you’d fucked this guy Tony again, in the office!’

  ‘Yes.’ Alexia looked completely crestfallen. Richard thought how adorable she was.

  ‘Look, honey, everyone has these stories, not as funny as yours, some of them, but hey, I gotta few. When you’re old and grey and lying on your deathbed surrounded by your grandkids you’ll be glad you have something to look back on and laugh at. It’ll keep you warm when you’re 90, wrinkled, and dried up.’

  He tapped the end of her nose with his finger. She laughed softly.

  ‘I hope you’re right, because at the moment … Tony told me I’m known as the Ice Queen. I probably do look frigid to most people. Maybe I am.’

  ‘Oh honey, you are not frigid.’ Richard moved over to her and put his arm around her, but didn’t pull her in. ‘You just need a guy who’s gonna guide you. Show you how it should be done. Let you flower in your own time.’

  He smoothed her hair again and desire flamed up inside her.

  ‘I need …’ Her voice trailed away.

  ‘There’s just one thing you need, honey.’

  Suddenly, she was off the floor. She wasn’t quite sure how, but Richard had managed to pick her up and he was now carrying her into her bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind them and laid her down on the bed. He was standing over her, his erection straining against his jeans. She looked at his face; his lips were parted. Alexia felt an overwhelming rush of need surge down through her cunt. It was throbbing now, the blood thundering like a jungle drum.

  He got onto the bed, but he didn’t lie on top of her, he lay beside her. Alexia was confused. She turned and tried to kiss him, but he stopped her.

  ‘What you need is to come, to come slow and hard. But I am not going to fuck you. God knows I want to, but to quote the late, great James Stewart –’ he broke into an impersonation of the actor ‘– you’re a little the worse for wear, and there are rules about that.’

  She blinked and looked at him closely. She wanted him; she had never wanted anything so badly.

  ‘I am not going to take advantage of you, but I am going to give you what you need, baby.’

  He reached his arm around her and pulled her towards him. His mouth was on hers and his kiss was soft and sensual, not demanding but oh so seductive. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and she wanted to be naked. She tried to pull her nightie up, but his hand stopped her. This was going to be slow and at his pace.

  She could feel his hardness pressing against her pussy and she ached to feel it inside her, feel it driving its way into her over and over. She felt her hips undulate in an involuntary wave, trying to feel his erection more. His kiss deepened and his arms held her tight, crushed up against him.

  Then, suddenly, he let go. ‘Oh no, sister. That way madness lies.’

  He turned her. With strong but gentle arms he turned her onto her side, facing away from him, and he curled in behind her, spooning her perfectly. His strong arms were around her from behind. She stopped still, breathing, waiting. Was he stopping? Please no, don’t stop, she thought, please God no …

  But he hadn’t stopped; he was pausing to settle her. They were both lying on their left sides and, slowly, his right arm moved down over her thigh and eased up the shimmering blue satin of her nightie so that it floated around her waist. The exposure was thrilling and Alexia felt herself push her bottom back against his erection.

  His fingers circled her thigh and her pussy as they had done the night he pushed her up against the wall. It was exquisite and painful. The thrill of him not touching her clit was heart-stopping. Round and round his fingers circled. His mouth was on the back of her neck now, on that sweet spot that buckles a girl’s knees when a man knows how to find it. Just a kiss, a nibble, and Alexia moaned with pleasure.

  ‘That’s it, beautiful.’ Richard’s voice was low and warm. ‘You just lie back into it and let go …’

  His fingers moved slowly down the slit of her pussy and Alexia gasped.

  ‘Oh honey, you are wet, so wet – so …’

  He waited to make sure she heard his words.

  ‘So delicious.’ His stretched out the word as if tasting it, experiencing it.

  Alexia rocked her hips against his hand, coating him in her slipperiness, revelling in her wetness for the first time. Carter had made her hate it. She heard the sounds it made as he worked her clit and stroked against her swollen, begging lips. No more Carter, no more painful screwing. She was wet, really wet, and it was glorious.

  Moans escaped from her mouth with each stroke. The quivering nub of flesh he was pressing suffused her entire abdomen with pleasure.

  Then she felt two hard fingers as they found their way deep into her. She gasped loudly, not caring who could hear. His fingers had slipped in easily, guided by the slick of her juices.

  He pushed his knee between her legs and tilted his hips so that his knee was lifted, pulling her leg up and draping it back over his, opening her pussy to him completely.

  Alexia was clutching at the pillow, holding bunches of cotton in her fists as she rode the pleasure of being completely open to his hand. She felt him curl his fingers in that “come hither” movement that found the sweet spot inside her pussy. She pushed her head back and her chest forward as he she felt his teeth suck and bite on her shoulder. Her strap slipped down and she could feel his ragged breath, feel its warmth flowing down over her shoulder, down over her now exposed breast, the whisper of it dancing on her hard nipples.

  And Richard just kept stroking, pulling his fingers out to stroke her clit, and then plunging them in again to find its hidden counterpart deep inside her.

  Her leg was curled backwards around his and she was clamping it tight as she felt the waves coursing through her cunt.

  He stroked harder and harder, increasing his speed as he felt the contractions. And then she came. His palm cupped and held her mound as his fingers pressed inside her; she felt her inside clutch around his fingers as the contractions racked through her cunt. Her hips bucked in perfect timing.

  Her head was pushed back against his and she gasped for air and rode the waves. She lost herself; one minute she was coming, the next she was floating. It was almost as if she had lost consciousness for a fleeting moment. She felt her breath return to normal and realised her eyes had been shut. She opened them and turned her head back towards Richard. She felt his mouth find hers and his lips held hers in a long, soft, motionless kiss, as if he was breathing life back into her. After what seemed like an eternity he pulled his head away.

  ‘That’s what you needed,’ he said softly. ‘Close your eyes again.’

  She looked at him.

  ‘I said close your eyes.’

  Suddenly she felt an overwhelming tiredness sweep over her, mingling with the tingling afterglow that swirled in her veins. She obeyed like a child who has just been put to bed, and in a few short breaths she was asleep.

  Richard waited until her breathing became steady, then gently removed his leg from between her thighs and slid off the bed. He pulled down the satin of her nightie, and pulled the quilt up over her.

  ‘Goodnight, my little ice queen,’ he said softly and padded out of the room, closing the door behind him. He walked to the bathroom and stood against the door. He tore open the buttons of his fly and grabbed his rock-hard cock. All the gentleness was gone from him now as he rubbed frantically, bracing himself against the wall. The slapping sound betrayed the speed and frenzy as he wanked hard. It took only moments before his come shot out in an arc into the bath. He
breathed out hard, and laughed to himself.

  ‘It’s a shame it’s not gonna be me who gets to fuck you, Alexia,’ he said quietly. He knew that was for someone else. But she needed to know how to embrace her sexuality, and he could certainly help her out there.

  Chapter Five

  She had slept more soundly than she could ever remember and it took what seemed like an eternity to reach full wakefulness. Slowly, she opened her eyes and blinked. Her body felt warm and relaxed and more at ease than it had for weeks. It was still dark outside and she rolled over to slip back into that delicious slumber. As she pulled the quilt up under her chin she caught sight of the illuminated display on her clock – 7.45 a.m.

  Oh fuck! She leapt out of bed. She hadn’t set the alarm for 6.45 last night. Last night? The memory crashed in on her and she felt the room wobble for a moment. Richard. The orgasm. The orgasm! But it was 7.45; she would be late for work. No time to think. She dashed into the living room, then crashed into the kitchen. Romy should be up. Where was she?

  ‘In here!’ came a plaintive voice from Romy’s room.

  Alexia ran in to find Romy in bed, surrounded by crumpled tissues, and the room heavy with the smell of eucalyptus.

  ‘I told you I was feeling rough last night. Well, I’ve got a shitty cold, so I can’t go in today.’

  ‘Oh!’ said Alexia, moving towards her bed.

  ‘No, stay away. You have to be well, because you’ve got to take over.’

  Alexia stopped in her tracks.

  ‘Take over … Take over what?’

  ‘The football press trip. I was supposed to go with Nathan to handle everything, so you have to go.’

  Alexia felt a clutching panic in her stomach.

  ‘What? No, I can’t. That’s … No!’

  ‘You have to.’

  Alexia was wide awake now.

  ‘But I’m just a temp. What about all the other girls who could do it?’

  ‘Look, it’s done … You’re going.’

  Romy gave a theatrical cough and splutter.

  ‘What do you mean it’s done?’

  ‘I rang Nathan last night on his mobile and told him I was ill. I told him I’d brought the file home to work on it and the easiest thing was to bring you up to speed on it because you live here – and he said yes.’

  Alexia was dumbstruck. She slumped on to the end of the bed and put her face in her hands.

  Romy watched Alexia from under her lashes. Time for the clincher …

  ‘How do you think he’ll take it now if I tell him you won’t go?’

  Alexia looked up suddenly, panic on her face.

  ‘Exactly!’ said Romy, triumphant.

  ‘How could you do this to me?’ wailed Alexia.

  ‘Look, you want him to get to know you so he knows who you really are. Well, this is your chance!’ Romy suddenly sounded remarkably less ill, she realised. She coughed again, for dramatic effect.

  ‘But I can’t. You haven’t briefed me,’ said Alexia, clutching for excuses.

  ‘He’s not in till lunchtime so we have plenty of time. There’s a file on the table over there. Go and make yourself some tea, get dressed, read the file, and then I’ll fill in any blanks.’

  ‘Romy …’

  But Romy wasn’t listening. ‘Look, I feel like shit, I need rest for a bit. Please, cara mia, just get the file!’

  Breaking into her mother’s soft Italian made her sound pleading and vulnerable. Romy squashed down into the bed and put a hankie to her nose. She blew it noisily, then pulled the quilt up and closed her eyes.

  Alexia realised there was no use fighting; it was done, as Romy said.

  It was done.

  Alexia walked to the dressing table and picked up the file. She moved miserably into the kitchen and clicked on the kettle. Two days with Nathan, in a hotel. She opened the file and saw the travel arrangements. He was driving and she was travelling with him. Three hours in a car with him before getting to the hotel. Three hours alone with Nathan!

  Her stomach lurched with dread, but her pussy had a different reaction. As Nathan’s image flashed into her head she felt that now familiar surge in her loins.

  ‘Get a grip, girl!’ she said out loud.

  The kettle clicked. She grabbed a cup and the coffee jar and made a very strong cup for herself.

  She went to the kitchen table and started to read the file. It was a press event involving three Premier League footballers. Alexia knew nothing about soccer, but she knew how big these players were. She knew they were always in the gossip columns with their million-pound lifestyles and taste for wild parties.

  Fallon’s agency had organised for these star players to be the faces of an incredibly stylish brand of aftershave, and the press conference was in a country house hotel outside London, in keeping with the styling of the TV commercials they had shot. The team from Fallon’s had to stay the night before, to make sure everything was set for the press conference and that the players would actually be there on time.

  Nathan would be there himself, as this was a huge account, and stars want their babysitter to be the boss and not an underling. Nathan’s PA would be there to ensure everything ran smoothly and to support Nathan.

  Nathan’s PA? That was her now. She closed her eyes and imagined him striding into the room of photographers and journalists, commanding and in control. She felt a squirt down below. She was still wet from last night. She must get in the shower.

  ‘Morning, beautiful … Sleep well?’ Richard appeared, tousled and still half asleep.

  Alexia, flushed with embarrassment, tried to stammer a reply

  ‘Hey , last night was great. And you, my sweet girl, look really blooming this morning. And I don’t think it’s that coffee.’

  He leant over and kissed her forehead. Alexia was confused for a moment. It was such a fatherly gesture, after the passion of last night. What was this relationship she now had with Richard? Were they lovers? They hadn’t had sex but it was pretty intimate.

  Richard poured himself his own cup of coffee. ‘I have to get to a job interview. Just a local bar, but it’ll keep me outta trouble. Aren’t you late for work?’

  Alexia was still confused by the normality of the conversation.

  ‘Um, no. I’m going in later today …’

  ‘Cool,’ replied Richard breezily. ‘OK, I better get my duds on and get down there. See ya later, beautiful.’

  He smiled a huge American smile and winked. Then he disappeared into the bathroom.

  Alexia sat stock still, trying to take in this latest encounter with their temporary flatmate. Romy appeared, wrapped in a dressing gown and clutching a tissue.

  ‘Well, it’s all in there, nothing to it. Just common sense, really. I’ll be on the end of my mobile if you’re not sure about anything.’

  Alexia looked unconvinced.

  ‘Look, there’s no way I’d convince Nathan to let you do it if I thought you’d screw it up, or it’s my neck on the line too. So, you know, have a little faith.’

  Alexia smiled weakly. Screwing up was the least of her worries. She realised how crazy that was. A new job, a new chance, and all she was worried about was …

  She stood up sharply and took a deep breath.

  ‘I’ll be fine. Like you say, it’s common sense. There isn’t a problem. There isn’t!’

  It was clear she was trying to convince herself more than Romy, but her friend pretended to buy into the performance.

  ‘Absolutely. Right, I’m going back to bed. Call me later?’

  ‘OK,’ said Alexia, but as soon as Romy was out of the room she felt her knees weaken.

  She spent the morning studying the file, familiarising herself with the details and the people, and then dressed for work. She chose her clothes carefully. Pale blue blouse and a smart black pencil skirt with good heels. Not too much jewellery, and she put her ash blonde waves into a neat, low bun. Every inch the executive PA, she hoped. She studied herself in the mirror. Who
was this girl? She didn’t recognise the cool professional who returned her gaze.

  She grabbed the file, put it into her bag, and set off for the office. The journey was tiresome as usual, but she was in no hurry to walk through those doors, to walk into Nathan’s office …

  The bus lurched to a stop and jolted Alexia out of her daydream. She jumped off and walked the last five minutes to the polished glass doors of the Fallon Sports Agency. She crossed the street and was just mounting the pavement when a strong grip encircled her right arm and she was wheeled round to face Carter. A very angry Carter.

  Alexia gasped.

  ‘Not expecting to see me?’ he snarled. ‘It’s taken me a while to track you down, but you don’t think I’d let you just disappear, do you?’

  His mouth had a cruel downturn, as ever, and his dark brown eyes were hard and beady, betraying his dark nature.

  His grip was tightening and she struggled to free herself. He grabbed her with his other hand. He was really hurting her, and the look on his face was more aggressive than she had ever seen him. She couldn’t speak; she was breathing hard and trying to make sense of this. How did he find her? Why was he trying to drag her back? He shook her hard and almost knocked the wind out of her.

  ‘No, Carter, please – just let me go!’

  ‘What the hell do you think you’re playing at? You can’t just bugger off like that and think it’s OK. You’re my girlfriend and you’re coming home with me!’

  ‘The hell she is!’

  Alexia heard a strong voice and suddenly there was the sound of a hard thump and an “ugh” sound from Carter, who crumpled to the floor, releasing her arms.

  Alexia looked up to see Nathan standing over Carter. His nostrils were flaring, but other than that he seemed to be in complete control. He’d floored Carter with one sharp jab to his kidneys and now her ex was on the floor, clutching for breath.

  ‘I don’t know who you are, but that’s the last time you touch Alexia,’ Nathan commanded.

  Alexia couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. “The last time you touch Alexia”, he’d said. Hearing him say her name seemed unreal. He turned and fixed his eyes on her. She looked up at him, completely unable to respond.